
People. not Politics.

It's time to change how our government works in North Carolina.

This is where we stand on the major issues facing our county and our state.

Greater educational opportunities for students and families

Giving students, families, and teachers greater choice is the best path to building successful lives, developing better learning environments, strengthening communities, and preparing North Carolina for the challenges of the 21st century.

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Stronger economic potential for businesses and employees

The way that individuals and businesses participate in our economy is strongly directed by state taxation and regulation policies. To create the jobs and businesses of tomorrow, we must encourage an innovative economic climate today.

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Better healthcare options for patients and families

Healthcare options are a critical aspect of everyone’s life. State policy plays a significant role in promoting a healthcare system that achieves better outcomes, reaches more people, and makes care more affordable.

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  • Brian Irving
    published this page 2022-09-20 08:36:45 -0400